Life Insurance
Temporary and permanent life insurance policies that are tailored to your specific requirements.
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Planning for Individuals and Families
Life Insurance (Term)
Term life insurance pays out a death benefit for a set number of years. Term insurance is only good for a period of time, because it has a TERMination date. Term insurance is often the least expensive sort of life insurance, making it appealing; nevertheless, it only pays if the insurer dies during the policy term.
Full Life Coverage
Whole life insurance (also known as permanent life insurance) pays out death payments for the insured’s whole life. With a few exceptions, the carrier cannot terminate your policy once you have been authorized for coverage. Whole life insurance accumulates cash at a predetermined rate set by the insurer at the time of purchase. The insurer can borrow against the cash value in the form of a loan for any reason. This diminishes the death benefit and cash surrender value available.
Life Insurance on a Universal Scale
You pay a monthly premium for universal life insurance that is divided into two parts: one for life insurance and the other for savings and investment. It’s designed to be more adaptable by allowing you, the policyholder, to set your own premium amount within a particular range.
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